Health : Conditions & Diseases
Conditions & Diseases Directory
1 - 12 of 12 entries.
Diabetes Treatment and MedicationLearn about type 2 diabetes, including symptoms and treatment. Find out how Starlix, an oral medication to control mealtime blood sugar spikes, can help you meet your HbA1c goal.
dLife Diabetes ResourcesAn online diabetes resource website that shares advice and information on a variety of diabetes topics including diabetes camps and news.
Dry Mouth Causes in Sjogren's SyndromeLearn about Sjogren's Syndrome which is a chronic autoimmune disease. Read about causes of dry mouth associated with Sjogren's syndrome.
Free Diabetes AlertFind help to improve the quality of diabetes care, increase the understanding of the disease, and motivate people to request for help.
Information on GoutA site dedicated to gout sufferers containing information on types of gout , its causes, symptoms and treatment options.
Learn about Overactive Bladder (OAB)Enablex is a medication proven to treat symptoms of Overactive Bladder (OAB). Learn about Overactive Bladder, frequent urination and bladder control.
Poison Oak Information GuideSite about what someone should do if they've touched poison oak and need help treating it.
SEROQUEL XR (quetiapine fumarate)Prescribing information for SEROQUEL XR (quetiapine fumarate), including boxed warnings.
Treatment for IBSFind out how antidiarrheals and antispasmodics can be helpful in a battle against irritable bowel syndrome.
Ulcerative Colitis Diet InformationLearn about a healthy ulcerative colitis diet and foods to consider if you have ulcerative colitis.
Vimpat Side EffectsFind information on the possible side effects of Vimpat (lacosamide) CV.
Yeast Infection Information and TreatmentA site dedicated to Yeast Infection sufferers containing helpful tips on home and natural remedies for Yeast Infection prevention and treatment.